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the reflective teacher


1. Do you have the students give these presentations in-class, or do you do have the students present to you alone?

2. If alone, how do you appropriate time?

3. If in-class, how does your classroom work during these presentations.

I only ask because I see portfolio work (and student accountability) as necessary and helpful to the students. This type of work treats the students as adults and holds them accountable for the work adults do. For my own students this is a boon, and they do very well when presenting their work.

Tim Fredrick

They have to present before or after school during prescribed days. The presentation is just me and an individual student. They are accustomed to this as they have to have writing conferences before or after school a few times a semester. They complain, but if they don't do it they fail. So, they come and do it. Not a problem after the first time.

the reflective teacher


In place of portfolio assessment right now, I've asked teams of students to review the finals test. They are to sit in a group and judge whether or not the test they grade passes muster.

This requires the students to interact, ask questions, judge, and make a grade for other students. They're also to review other students' grading of these tests.

Is this a good or bad thing? (And keep in mind, I'll also go over these tests as the final grader.)

Later in the semester, I'll have the students working on their portfolios again.

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