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Ms. Q

The whole idea of relevance relates directly too this. Instead of convincing students they need to know these skills, facts, or strategies for the future, I have always found the best response when I relate to the here and now. Why do I need to know how to write sentences? Well if you are texting your girlfriend and in your mind you were saying this "I really miss your beautiful smile" and you actually write "i rlly miz ur ml" (completely made up on the spot, but I have used better) it would be a completely different meaning!

A question to add--wouldn't Dewey's here and now have something to say about technology and 21st century skills?


Dewey was a socialist who didn't want students to have too much education, because as he put it, "Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent."

Not the sort of man I would want influencing me. I too had to slog my way through "Democracy and Education" during my Masters program. Here is a book you might want to also read:

"John Dewey & the Decline of American Education: How the patron saint of schools has corrupted teaching and learning." by Henry Edmondson III.

It is quite an enlightening look at the reality rather than the myth of John Dewey. The most interesting part was the fact that Dewey was a horrible teacher who was despised by students and parents alike. Only the bright-eyed progressives in the education field seemed to like him.

In my educated opinion, John Dewey has done more to sink the quality of education in this country than any other single person in American history.


Chanman: got a source for that quote? A primary source, written by Dewey?

Because I've seen it a lot on the internet, but no-one can apparentely say where Dewey wrote it. I suspect it's made up, because it doesn't fit into his philosophy of critical thinking and of a democracy controlled by the people.

Don't believe everything you read.

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