The break I took from blogging could be over. I've been thinking about getting back to blogging and I think I'll give it a try - maybe making a commitment to post, but do it less.
Why the break? I posted about the fact that I was feeling the need to post less and less when I switched schools. My new school was very collaborative and we reflected a lot on our teaching and our work with the students. Suddenly, I didn't feel that I had anything to say on the blog -- okay, and I was sick of thinking about my practice (there is such a thing as too much!).
But, nothing stays the same. During my hiatus, I decided to go back to school and begin my doctoral studies in English Education. I'm very excited as I received a three-year fellowship to do my coursework and to work on a research project with a professor in the program. I'm definitely looking to my classes starting right after Labor Day. I can see this blog becoming an outlet for me to talk through some of the thoughts and ideas I'm having surrounding my coursework. I also hope to use the opportunity of the blog to connect what I'm learning in my coursework with what happens in the classroom.
Of course, full-time doctoral study means that I will not be teaching - either at the high school or at the graduate school (where I'm now a student again). For the past several years, I've really defined myself as a teacher and so it will be weird to NOT be a teacher. I'm looking forward to it. To be honest, I'm ready for it. I will miss the actual act of teaching and the students. What I don't think I'll miss is the school system. NYC is beginning testing all grades four or five times a year. I had successfully avoided teaching years that are tested because I hate what tests do to students and teacher. Worse, the DOE announced a program to pay students for taking tests and getting good grades on them. (This absurd idea will surely be a topic of a future post as it makes me so angry!!) Through my doctoral work and beyond I hope to continue my contributions to underachieving adolescents.